Mastering the First Three Pillars of Wealth: A Practical Guide

In the pursuit of financial freedom. Mastering the three pillars of wealth is not only a strategic approach! It's a profound transformation encompassing the realms of desire, identity, and valuable skills.

The journey begins with Wanting to Make Money. Connecting with the prosperous version of yourself. Fueled by a "why," aligns your present actions with a future self. Fostering sound financial decisions.

The next transformation is of your identity. It involves elevating your subconscious standards, and creating a foundation for attracting wealth. This transformation is important. It reshapes not only your financial status but also your mindset. By rewriting old beliefs, you pave the way for a wealthier and more empowered version of yourself. Keep reading for a tool for immediate perspective shifts. Allowing you to break free from ingrained patterns that hinder financial growth.

The final pillar. Developing Rare and Valuable Skills, underscores the distinction between Money and Wealth. It emphasizes that true wealth is an infinite game. You achieve it by evolving and offering unique skills to the marketplace.

This holistic approach to wealth creation captures my mission to connect you to the WHO and not the DO. They aim to guide you towards a life where money flows . My goal is for you to have a relaxed and abundant mindset. Transform, create, thrive – your journey to wealth begins now.

1. Want to Make Money

Unveiling the Power of Desire

  • Write down your reasons for wanting more money. Then, connect with the wealthy version of yourself.

  • Reflect on essential questions: Why? How much? When? How? What do you want?

  • Engage in Future-Self Journaling to visualize and manifest your desired outcomes.

The Strength of Your "Why"

  • Embrace the idea that a strong "why" fuels your journey to financial success.

  • Develop a genuine "why" that connects with your true desires. Not just a why that sounds and looks nice but one that really drives you. Check out Dean Graziosi’s 7 Levels Deep Exercise

  • Develop an emotional bond with your vision. Meet you Future Self. Seeing your WHY in action will help you make better decisions in the present.

2. Transform Your Identity

Breaking Free from Old Beliefs

  • Identify and rewrite limiting beliefs.

  • Elevate the standard of what is acceptable in your subconscious mind to attract more wealth.

  • Operate from your future self's mindset by taking actions only they would take.

The Mismatch Process

When negative beliefs arise, immediately create a mismatch to shift your perspective.

  • NOTICE THE TRIGGER, BELIEF OR EMOTION THAT YOU WISH TO CHANGE (e.g: You feel anxious when you don’t make sales/income in your business)

  • ASK YOURSELF HONESTLY WHAT NEGATIVE BELIEF IS ASSOCIATED WITH IT? (e.g: This could be linked to a negative belief about your ability)

  • WHAT WOULD BE A MISMATCHED EXPERIENCE, SOMETHING THAT WOULD HELP YOU LEARN THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE ? (e.g: Looking around and seeing everything you have created already)

3. Develop Your Rare and Valuable Skills

Elevating Your Value in the Marketplace

  • Understand the distinction between Money (finite game) and Wealth (infinite game).

  • Increase your income by developing rare and valuable skills that set you apart.

  • Embrace your uniqueness, desires, and intrinsic values in your wealth creation journey.

Unleashing Your Unique Skills

  • Identify the skills you have and share them with others for greatest impact.

  • Explore how your unique skills contribute to your wealth creation. Consider how they contribute to market leadership.

  • Reimagine your abilities. Find innovative ways to share them, enhancing your wealth possibilities.

True wealth is not confined to monetary transactions. It’s a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and skill development. By mastering these three pillars, you can start to pave the way for financial freedom.
— The Energetic Money Mentor

Money Mindfulness - The Why & The How


The Transformative Journey of Unveiling & Re-Writing Your Money Beliefs